
April 25, 2013

New look , same great products..

                  Great new look, on the same great                 natural products 

                  All our products are all

                                   Natural ingredients.

all natural soap bars
All natural bath soap bars $2.00 - $5.00 each
all natural creams
All kinds of sizes and styles for everyone.

Hand made creams and body butters
body butters and face creams From $4.00
- $10.00 each..  Depending on the oils in
each one.. 
natural soap bars
Lavender goats milk Bar  $4.00 
       We are making , hand made , all natural products for the working class.. Very good products for NOT  the really high price tag.. When I started changing over to all natural products in my house, I realised how expensive the all natural and Organic products were on the market...  I then decided that i would start to make my own products for me and my family... So I started researching , whats for what.. whats good for this and that.. and I started whipping things up, and the products were turning out .. GREAT.. 
NEW   Bath Lizzy's $3.00 - $4.00 Each  & Bath Salts : $3.00 each

      So I decided that people needed another choice.. A Affordable choice... I know that we are all not rich... Especially in this economy that we are in now... So I became partners with someone that had the same vision.. We now work together in trying to expand our product line and make more beneficial products that aren't real high in me 

bath salts with essential oils
Bath Salts with essential oils. $3.00 each.
   So as we are expanding our products , you will see more changes to our products page, and i will try to post updates , when ever I can... We have got a new look , on our labels , that i really like.. But I think that will get better too, as we go.. 

Cream key chains
Key chain lotions $5.00
   We have had allot of great feed back on our lotions and body butters... 
We have a body butter that I made , per request, for someone that had really big varicose veins. So I did some research and found the oils that I needed to improve the circulation, Which in turn reduces the varicose veins. 
all Natural chap stick $2.00 each

   The person that bought it , said to me the next day... That the tightness in her legs when down with in 10 min of rubbing it on her legs. and that after a couple days her veins were shallower than they had been in over 4 yrs...  More info about DoTERRA essential oils
 i felt all worm inside... i love the feeling i get when I can help someone get relief.. It is the best feeling ever,,, . I love that the products are helping people.. and we will continue to design more products like that to help with peoples comforts and skin care... 
All Natural Lip balms $3.00- $4.00 each
body butters and creams from all natural products
face and body creams $4.00 - $10.00 Each

 All our products contain DoTERRA's Essential oils... They are the purest on the market, And they are the only ones that hold a CPTG certified standard... ( certified Pure Therapeutic Grade).. Lots of essential oils say they are TG  grade... But none other than DoTERRA are certified Pure.... They do that to ensure that you are getting the purest form of essential oil... If you would like to buy
all natural soap
all natural soap. with Goats milk. $3.00 each

Goats milk base soap and castile base soap
$3.00 - $5.00 Each bar
My family and I have found great benefit with the oils and so in return I am sharing that benefit by using them in our products...  Here are some our new products.  and some of our same.. But a good overview.. Contact me here  You can also call me @ 360-623-9804  Or 360-864-8188    All orders are on a call or email bases right now until I get pay pal connected and a merchants account.. i am sorry for that... Till Next time 
                   Brook Robles   @  B  Y  Natural's 

April 4, 2013

Make your house smell Great

                      Great smelling, all natural cleaners.

 I want to show you how to make great all natural cleaners. Not only are they cheaper, they smell great and are toxic free..  i have been trying a few different recipes, But these are the ones that I feel worked the best for me... 
   For all around the house:  Glass spray bottle
                                                 Water: 32 0z 
                                                   15 drops On Guard essential oil blend
                                                   10 Drops Lemon Essential oil
                                                    7 drops Cilantro Essential oil.. 
         Add warm water to the glass spay bottle. Then apply your drops. Shake and use.. That easy.. Works great.. Even for mirrors and windows.. and doesn't leave a residue.   

 The other recipe, I call  Wild Orange cleaner... 
                  That one, Is. ;Warm Water: 32 Oz
                                         20 drops On Guard essential oil blend
                                          20 Drops Wild Orange essential oil
                                          10 drops Lemon essential oil..

  Add all the ingredients in glass spray bottle, Shake and use... I found this one works really good on my Stainless steel sinks.. Gets rid of the water spots and dull build up with no scrubbing.. I love it.. and it smells wonderful... I have lots of new recipes that i will be putting under the recipe tab all the time , so keep checking from time to time..  If you have any Questions Get ahold of me.  here