

                            Natural Products For everyone

large lip balm your choice of flavor\scent $4.00each

natural deodorant This one is aroma touch blend  $5.00each

Lots of great products and making more and more all the time.. 

8 ounce. purple with black pump. $10.00 each  your choice

From:$ 1.50- $4.00 Scent on your choice
Small  $1.00 each
Med $2.50 each
large $4.00 each

 lotions From: $200- $10.00 Depending on size and style of Bottle

4oz Elevation essential lotion $3.00 each

Chap stick $2.00 each
Small lip balm $3.00 each
Large lip Balm $4.00 each

all Natural Bath fizzy's $3.00 Small $4.00 Large

Small Lavender Bath Fizzy  $3.00 each

All natural Bath salts With your choice essential oil $3.00

Goats milk Soap Bar Med. $4.00 Each

Castile Base Soap Bar $4.00 Each

Goats Milk Base Soap Bars  $2.00 - $4.00 Each

All Natural Glycerin Base soaps with essential oils
Small To large  $2.00 - $5.00 Each

All Natural lotions and creams Ranging from $2.00 - $12.00
each. Depending on the Oils and size.

All Natural soaps  with exfoliating almond shell $3.00- $5.00 Each

Creams for the face as well as body Butters
$3.00 - $10.00 Each

5 OZ Jars $9.00 each
4 OZ creams and Body butters $7.00 -$10.00
Depending on oils
These are all 8 OZ lotions and creams from $8.00 - $ 10.00
All natural and have essential oils

Bottles Range from $2.00 - $12.00 each.

 Glass pump Bottles Go for $8.00 to $12.00 each
depends on the oils..  single oil added $8.00 added oils
$1.50 each added oil wanted..

Small travel size bottles and creams $2.00 - $4.00 Each

Key chains $5.00 Each essential oil of you choice.
Lavender, elevation blend, wild orange, Geranium, wintergreen
 Exc. if there is a oil you would like in your lotion special order from me..

Large lip balm $4.00  peppermint, wild orange, peppermint-lavender
all natural
All Natural chap stick $2.00 each

All natural chap stick $2.00 each

4 OZ body butter $8.00 each. all natural Shea  butter
and other great natural ingredients.  And essential oils..
All Shea body butters include ; Shea butter, jojoba oil, vitamin E T-50,
grape seed oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, essential oils.
 4 Oz cocoa butter Body butter $8.00 each
Ingredients : cocoa butter, Aloa juice, cocoa butter,coconut oil, jojoba oil,
vitamin E T-50 oil, sweet almond oil, grape seed oil, stearic acid,
citric acid, emulsifying wax, essential oils.

All natural Lip Balm  $3.00 for small $4.00 Large 
all lip balm Ingredients: bee's wax, jojoba oil, vitamin E T-50 oil
,coconut oil, essential oil. 

skin firming lotion with slim and sassy essential oil blend
5oz. $ 8.00 each

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